MAD • MAYKER NEON Powder Pigments
MAD MAYKER NEON powder pigments (200g) allow for a larger range of colour mixing with Jesmonite AC100/200/300 liquids. Pigments should be mixed at max 2% of the total weight of the base & liquid mix.
With a variety of different NEON pigments, maykers can mix and match along with Jesmonite pigments to create unique and colourful pieces.
MAD MAYKER NEON powder pigments come in Neon Blue, Green, Red, Magenta, Orange, Purple, Pink, Bright Red, Green Yellow, Orange Red, and Orange Yellow.
Les couleurs sont incroyables ! Tellement de possibilités créatives !
These pigments are perfection. Easy to work with, and the color is outstanding. You can use a little for a soft neon or use more for uber bright color. Absolutely love and will be buying more.
I tried other pigments I bought on ebay, neon alcohol inks, and some neon mica powder- none of them came close to the vibracy I was looking for. Finally these powders have given me the bright neon color I’m looking for when adding to Ultracal. I wish they didn’t come in a bag that you have to pour into the container- I wish the powder was already in the canister- but that is a minor annoyance. I’ll order again.
Thanks so much for your feedback, we are so glad you are enjoying working with our neon pigments!
We recommend keeping the pigments inside the bag, inside the container. Since the pigments are so fine, this helps prevent any from dusting up and escaping when the container is opened, and also adds an additional layer of protection against moisture while being stored.
This was the vibrant bright neon pigment I'd been searching for. You get so much product for the price, and a little goes a long way. I can't wait to try more colors!
MAD • MAYKER NEON Powder Pigments