JESMONITE Thixotrope
Jesmonite Thixotrope can be added to AC100 to adjust the thickness of the mixture to the user’s preference. This is particularly useful when applying a first coat into a mould or when applying to vertical surfaces.
By adding Thixotrope it is possible to apply a 1mm – 3mm layer of material without it running or slumping off the surface. This also prevents glass reinforcements from showing. Thixotrope can also be used to make the material into a paste, which can be used as a repair filler, and jointing paste for bonding two laminates together.
Thixotrope should be added to your mix after you have added your powder and liquid, and it must be mixed using a Jesmonite High-Shear Mixing Blade.
Add Thixotrope in small drops until you reach your desired consistency. Generally, the inclusion rate will be approximately 2g-6g per kg of mixed material.
Très pratique pour réparer des imperfections!